
Information on Corona virus and work in the Netherlands

virus deeltjes groen

Perhaps you are suddenly without work because of Corona. So you have to go to your country of origin. Before you leave, check the conditions in your work contract, and make sure you get your rights.

  • In the Netherlands, your employer has the obligation to offer you a safe working environment (for instance now: enough soap and tissues). Your employer also has to inform you about the symptoms of the corona virus. Your employer can refer you to a company doctor in case you are feeling sick.
  • If you have symptoms of corona, your employer can deny you access to the work place. You can contact a doctor by phone to talk about your symptoms.
  • My employer has applied for a shortened working time. What does this mean for me as an employee? Your employer applies for a short-time working permit from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW). If this is granted, the UWV is paying the agency. Your employer will pay you the full wage, which consists of a supplement by the WW. So nothing changes for you. You do not have to take action or apply for a benefit.


You are ill (in isolation)

The normal rules for illness apply. The consequences depend on your employment contract:

  • In case of contracts with agency clause, you are registered at the UWV. The UWV determines whether you are entitled to sickness benefits. The temporary employment agency must supplement a percentage to this benefit.
  • For contracts without a temporary employment clause, your employer must pay you in case of illness. One day waiting.

RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) has advised the Dutch government that additional measures are needed throughout the Netherlands to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Watch their video about the virus.

Read more about Corona and health in English

Safety at work

  • All people in the Netherlands are advised to work from home, if possible.
  • If you have a face to face contact, follow the guidelines of RIVM on hygiene and keep at least distance of 1,5 meter from each other.

You are undocumented and confronted with the Corona virus

  • We advise undocumented workers to negotiate with your employers to be paid according to the agreement that you had about your working hours. By law you have the same rights as any other worker in the Netherlands. Tips:
  • If you are ill you are entitled to sickpay.
  • If you are not sick and your work is being cancelled by your employer then still you have the same rights on continued payment as any other worker.


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