Do you know your rights as an au pair in the Netherlands? You are entitled to:
- Working day’s up to a maximum of 8 hours per day;
- A maximum of 30 working hours a week;
- At least 2 days off per week;
- Only light household chores for your host family.
Did you know:
- There is no penalty for not complying with parts of your contract? For instance: early termination of the contract, because you are going to work for another employer;
- The agency is not aloud to ask you to pay a deposit;
- A maximum of 34 euros in preparation costs
- You host family is allowed to give you up to 340 euro’s per month.
Do you have questions about your rights as an au pair in the Netherlands? Please contact FairWork.
All the information you share with us will remain private. And all the support we offer is free of charge.
All rules explained by the Dutch government