Domestic workers are those workers who perform work in or for a private household or households. They provide direct and indirect care services, such as cleaning, cooking, taking care of children or working in the garden.
Knowing your labour rights is essential in preventing abuses and vulnerable work situations. This page provides information about the labour rights of domestic workers in the Netherlands, stories of domestic workers and tools that can be of support in claiming labour rights.
Personal stories
Watch the story of Corazon Espanto
Watch the story of Lorelie
- Sample letters FairWork: FairWork developed sample letters to request a pay increase from your employer in the Netherlands: Sample letters pay increase domestic workers – FairWork
- Sample contract Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA): NLA provides a sample labour contract with agreements between employer and employees: Arbeidscontract hulp in huis | Publicatie |
- Worklog domestic workers FairWork: In this worklog you can gather information about your work and salary and read more about your rights as a migrant domestic worker. You can order free paper copies via email:
- Flyer for Domestic Workers working for Diplomats FairWork: FairWork developed a flyer aimed at domestic workers who are working for diplomats. You can order free paper copies via email:
Read more
- Information about rights and obligations and “regeling dienstverlening aan huis”: Dienstverlening aan huis |
- Rights of domestic workers at the international level, in the European Union and in the Netherlands: Huishoudelijk personeel: strijd voor je rechten –
- Reactie FairWork op aangekondige aanpassing au-pairregeling – FairWork

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This project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The content of this meeting representsonly the views of the consortium and is her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.