
In the Spotlights

Rina’s Story: A Fight for Justice 

In 2022, Rina came to the Netherlands to work as a caregiver. She provided 24/7 care for an elderly man, but ten weeks passed without her contract being formalized. To this day, she has not received wages for that period. 

After many failed attempts to resolve the issue by talking with her employer, Rina had no choice but to seek legal assistance. She is now in the process of claiming her unpaid wages with the help of a lawyer, supported by FairWork. 

Message from Rina: “First of all, I would like to express my immense gratitude to you, and the entire team for the support and dedication you have provided throughout this process. I honestly don’t know how I would have faced everything without your help. 

For those of us who are not from the country, and given the complexity of the local laws, everything becomes much more challenging. Without a deep understanding of Dutch law, it was very difficult for me to navigate all of this on my own. 

When I finally found you, the weight I had been carrying alone became much lighter. This experience has deepened my understanding of the shared responsibility we have toward one another and how essential it is to foster relationships rooted in empathy and respect. 

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience, understanding, and support. Every gesture of support I received from you was crucial for me to keep moving forward.” 


Ukrainian Migrant Workers: A Win for Fair Wages 

Just before the war broke out, a group of Ukrainian workers travelled to the Netherlands via Poland, lured by attractive job offers in the tulip industry. They paid recruitment fees and arrived with high hopes. 

However, the promised conditions quickly fell apart. Many were paid late or not at all, and with several employment agencies involved, it was not clear for them where to go and who was responsible. 

With the support of FairWork and the law firm Stibbe, the workers were eventually able to claim the wages they were owed. 


Ana’s Story: Bringing Exploitation to Light 

Ana, a Brazilian woman, came to the Netherlands through a Portuguese employment agency to work as a caregiver for the elderly. Her contract stated a 40-hour workweek, but in reality, she worked 24 hours a day, six days a week, with little rest. 

She was paid €1,700—(€900 as the Portuguese minimum wage plus allowances that did not cover pension and other social rights). She lived with her clients, was rarely allowed to leave the house, and was frequently woken up at night for their needs. 

The care agency that hired her earned thousands of euros per month per client, funded through the clients’ personal budgets (PGB). At one client’s home, Ana even faced sexual harassment.

Through FairWork, Ana shared her story with the media, which led to questions to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employerment and potential policy changes. Watch the Een Vandaag broadcast where Ana shares her story here.


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FairWork launches campaign Out of the Shadows

Together with partners Rode Kruis NL, Koekepeer, IMWU, FILMiS, Steunpunt vluchtelingen ambassadors and Recogin, FairWork launched the campaign “Out of the shadows”.

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Hungarian speaking volunteers

FairWork is looking for VOLUNTEERS with knowledge of the Hungarian language and culture, M/F, 1 or 2 days a week
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Check-list for self-employed persons

Working as a self-employed person (zzp) in The Netherlands? This is what you need to know.

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Bulgarian speaking volunteer(s)

FairWork is looking for CULTURAL MEDIATOR(S) (volunteers) with knowledge of the Bulgarian language and culture, M/F, 1 or 2 days a week

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The Legal and Policy Infrastructure of Irregularity

The report that was published today by I-Claim in collaboration with FairWork, analyses 25 years of policies on irregular migration in the Netherlands.

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Japanese newspaper article: Ukrainian Evacuees in the Netherlands Today

Lees het vertaalde artikel, dat gepubliceerd werd in een Japanse krant, over Oekraïense vluchtelingen in Nederland.

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Aziz receives back pay for work as a carpenter

In August 2017, Aziz from Morocco approached FairWork. He had worked for a furniture maker for 1.5 years. He was to earn 50 euros a day for working days up to 14 hours.

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Spanish speaking volunteers

FairWork is looking for VOLUNTEERS with knowledge of the SPANISH language and culture, M/F, 1 or 2 days a week

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Joint statement on the revision of the Single Permit Directive

Read the joint statement “Break the chain of dependency and promote equal treatment of migrant workers” by clicking on the picture below.

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