
Flyer Ukrainian refugees: ‘Know your rights. Be prepared when looking for a job in the Netherlands!’

As a refugee from Ukraine you have the same labour rights in the Netherlands as a Dutch employee. Dutch labour law includes the minimum wage, the maximum number of hours you work in a day and continued payment in case of illness. Everyone has rights and it doesn’t matter what kind of work you do. In construction, as a cleaner, sex work or agricultural work.

Flyer ‘Know your labour rights’

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West-African migrants, precarious work and support by NGOs  

Research by students in cooperation with FairWork showed that West-African migrants in the Netherlands have become even more vulnerable as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. They have a precarious work situation and do not always know where and how to find support from NGOs. Often, they prefer to seek advice and support within their informal network.  

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Labour rights of domestic workers

Knowing your labour rights is essential in preventing abuses and vulnerable work situations. Our new webpage provides information about the labour rights of domestic workers in the Netherlands, stories of domestic workers and tools that can be of support in claiming labour rights.

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Sample letters pay increase domestic workers

Domestic workers asked FairWork for sample letters that they can use to request a pay increase from their employer.

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Presentation of research on Filipina au pairs in the Netherlands

FairWork supports migrant workers who are vulnerable to exploitation. This also includes au pairs who come to the Netherlands through the au pair scheme. In 2020, Mitchie Boncodin-Isip, a student at ISS, conducted a a study for FairWork into the experiences of Filipina au pairs in the Netherlands. She concluded: Although there have been improvements in the sector, and many au pairs also have positive experiences, there are still cases of exploitation and abuse. Covid-19 presented additional challenges for many of them. 
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Hidden At Work: Labour and sexual exploitation and harassment of women in the (private) work sphere

In January 2021, the two year project Hidden at Work – Labour and sexual exploitation and harassment of women in the (private) work sphere started.

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Important information about corona and quarantine in the Netherlands

Important information about corona and quarantine in the Netherlands

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Online information meeting: Labour exploitation in times of corona

Do you work with undocumented migrants and do you see that they are experiencing serious labour rights violations? Are they not getting paid, are they being pressured, kept indoors or have they been put out on the street by their employer?

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Information on Corona virus and work in the Netherlands

Perhaps you are suddenly without work because of Corona. So you have to go to your country of origin. Before you leave, check the conditions in your work contract, and make sure you get your rights.

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Where can I report complaints about bad work situations?

FairWork has developed an overview of options where to notify complaints about exploitation, human trafficking, sexual intimidation, bad housing etc.

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