FairWork is an independent non-gouvernmental organisation (NGO) that supports women and men that are being exploited by their employer in the Netherlands. Any information that you share with us will be kept confidential. The support that FairWork offers is free of charge.

Are you a migrant worker looking for help, please read our frequently asked questions. If you don’t find an answer to your question please contact us.

Privacy statement FairWork

    Ask your question

    To be better able to support you with your case, we have to register your personal data. We use your personal data to stay in contact with you and handle your issue. The (personal) data we save are your name, date of birth, country of origin, employment situation (and your complaint), and the contact details (which could be email address and/or phone number.) You keep rights over your data, such as the right to withdraw your consent. More information on these rights and how to exercise them can be found here.